Wednesday 12 October 2011

Pattern cutting

We did pattern cutting today. Own project for tuesdays is 'victorian beach bathers' we have to produce a outfit using visual imagery from our own research. We had to do a flat drawing to adapt how the outfit will be formed then created. We had to contruct a block pattern, drape or both. This was just a practice run through so no worries.  

Thursday 6 October 2011

New course

I am enjoying my new course Costume and Costruction for Stage and Screen at Cleveland College of Art and Design in Hartlepool. I have learned a new technique in my monday embellishment class, Trapunto which apparently has been used in corsets instead on boneing for support and comfort.  I like the Tuesdays lessons because I am being taught how to make clothes patterns from scratch by following instructions and using number grid paper from books.