Thursday 22 December 2011

Christmas Pudding Door Stopper

I created a cute door stopper for my aunty this christmas hope she likes it!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Victorian Bathing Suit

Victorian Bathing Suit
In university on the tuesday 'Cut and Construction'. We were given a project to create an outfit we had to select an image that was historically correct. We were given workshop such as draping, block patterns, pattern followed by instruction. This also has to be a full size garment.
This is my outfit at the moment >>

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Pattern cutting

We did pattern cutting today. Own project for tuesdays is 'victorian beach bathers' we have to produce a outfit using visual imagery from our own research. We had to do a flat drawing to adapt how the outfit will be formed then created. We had to contruct a block pattern, drape or both. This was just a practice run through so no worries.  

Thursday 6 October 2011

New course

I am enjoying my new course Costume and Costruction for Stage and Screen at Cleveland College of Art and Design in Hartlepool. I have learned a new technique in my monday embellishment class, Trapunto which apparently has been used in corsets instead on boneing for support and comfort.  I like the Tuesdays lessons because I am being taught how to make clothes patterns from scratch by following instructions and using number grid paper from books.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Enrolment Day

Made a long journey down to Hartlepool to get my enrolment at Cleveland College of Art and Design (CCAD). Then met up with my bestie for a coffee and a giggle, we always have a laugh together. I believe even if its a cloudy day, we make the sun come out to shine! We were walking, amused with our random talks and a kid burst out laughing 'random'!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

'Good Job'

Showed my big brother his repaired trousers, he was very satisfied with the end result.
I was very pleased that I did a good job even for my big brother. ;-P 

Tuesday 6 September 2011

'Practice makes perfect'

'Practice makes perfect' as they say...I am fixing my big brother's favourite trousers while he is staying with us.