Friday, 27 September 2013

Finished costume for Daccs Hairdresser

This is the complete costume for the finalist Nicola Slade for the ©Watts Hairdressers Competition in London. This is when I saw ©Daccs Hairdressers refurbished with the model India's photograph on the full back wall (also shown above)

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Mentioned in the Newspaper!

I pleased and excited to be mentioned in the ©Sunderland Echo as a local and up and coming designer.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Bespoke Jacket

Completed a bespoke suit for somebody with two types of skirts.
1. A line skirt with back pleat with red lining as the jacket.

 2. straight skirt with inserted pleats using lining fabric including red lining.